Senin, 30 April 2012

Distinguish Factor

Inilah  fakta yang membedakan Generasi Y dengan generasi sebelumnya, generasi X (1965-akhir ’70) atau baby boomers (1946-1964):
1. Tidak sabaran, tak mau rugi, banyak menuntut
Generasi ini terbiasa dengan yang instan-instan, cenderung tidak sabaran. Bila memiliki keinginan harus segera terlaksana. Karakter ini tidak akan menjadi masalah, asalkan bisa memastikan bahwa apa yang dilakukannya bermakna positif.
2. Percaya diri dan optimis
Gen Y cenderung lebih mudah menerima perubahan, karena lebih open minded dan berkeinginan tinggi untuk belajar segala hal baru. Mereka juga lebih percaya diri untuk tampil di depan forum dan mengemukakan pendapatnya.
3. Family centric
Remaja gen-y lebih dekat pada keluarganya, dibanding remaja generasi baby boomers. Remaja generasi baby boomers lebih memilih untuk menjauh dari orang tua dan mandiri. Sementara Gen-Y meskipun mandiri, tetapi cenderung dekat, bahkan masih manja dengan orang tua.
4. Suka inovasi/memunculkan ide baru
Terkadang tanpa dicoba pun akan keluar ide-ide baru dari gen-Y untuk perusahaan tempatnya bekerja, karena cara berpikirnya saja sudah berbeda dengan generasi baby boomers. “Give me the latest!’ . Gen-Y selalu mengikuti trend terbaru, dan tak sabar untuk menciptakan trendnya sendiri.
5. Memiliki semangat yang luar biasa
Generasi Y mengerjakan tugas dengan lebih bersemangat dan cepat karena kebanyakan lebih melek tekhnologi. Mereka cenderung mudah beradaptasi dengan tekhnologi baru.
6. Tidak menyukai jadwal yang detail
Generasi lama adalah perencana dan schedulers, sementara gen-Y adalah koordinator.
Bertemu dengan klien atau teman, misalnya, tanpa perlu perjanjian yang rumit dan direncanakan, bertemu di tempat yang disetujui secara mendadak pun dilakukan, seperti kapal mengikuti radar. Sementara perusahaan umumnya beroperasi berdasarkan rencana jangka panjang terperinci.
7. Anytime-anywhere
Generasi baby boomers memandang waktu dan tempat sebagai norma, sementara gen-Y kurang memperdulikan aturan baku. Bagi mereka, bekerja dari café atau local starbucks merupakan hal lumrah.
8. Bagaimana mereka berkomunikasi
Gen-Y jauh lebih nyaman menggunakan teks dan jaringan sosial, sementara generasi lama mungkin bukan hanya tidak nyaman dengan komunikasi digital, mereka bahkan merasa terganggu dengan kurangnya interaksi bertatap muka.
9. Bagaimana mencari informasi atau belajar
Generasi Y ingin belajar ‘on demand’, to the point, hanya untuk hal-hal sesuai cita-cita/passion/impian mereka, sesuai kebutuhan mereka. Gen-Y cenderung bosan dengan pelatihan yang bertele-tele dan bertahap yang dianjurkan perusahaan.
Itulah mengapa pendidikan berdasarkan kompetensi lebih cocok untuk Gen-Y.
Ringkasan tiga generasi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut”
1. Generasi Baby Boom (36 – 45)
-. Perkiraan: 30% dari populasi, lahir 1946 – 1964
-. 81 juta orang
-. Membelanjakan lebih dari $900 miliar per tahun
-. Generasi sebagai icon “KAMI”
-. Generasi penentu
-. Mengalami rock and roll, televisi, demo/kerusuhan, eksplorasi ruang, perang vietnam/hippies, pembagian ras, revolusi seksual, yuppies, makna baru dari umur 50
-. Merespon terhadap petunjuk pencapaian/kepahlawanan, kewenangan iconic, segala sesuatu yang di dapat, kenyamanan, tunjangan, anti penuaan
2. Gen X (24 - 35)
-. Perkiraan 17% dari populasi, lahir 165 – 1976
-. 46 juta orang
-. Membelanjakan $125 milliar per tahun
-. Generasi sebagai individu “Saya”
-. Pemebrontak / pemberi pengaruh
-. Mengalami : anak-anak yang kecewa dengan perceraian, didorong untuk mandiri, lelucon/geng/kekerasan, menurunnya peran orang tua
-. Budaya pop, ledakan informasi
-. Saat ini: menentang struktur tradisional, kewirausahaan, pendidikan tinggi/didorong ulang, mengambil alih untuk menunjukkan kekuatan suara mereka
-. Merespons terhadap: mereka sendiri tercermin dalam citra/pesan, imajinasi/sarkasme sengit & kreativitas, pesan-pesan bidih/pintar, paradigma dekonstruktur, gaya, barang-barang mewah dan pasar massal
3. Gen Y (6 – 23)
-. Perkiraan: 30% dari populasi, lahir 1977 – 1994
-. 75 juta orang
-. Membelanjakan antara $35 – 100 milliar pertahun
-. Generasi sebuah filosofi “Semua”
-. Menurut kata hati
-. Mengalami: Integritas, memahami info multilapis, dibesarkan di era merek, persatuan, optimistis, dibesarkan di era psikologis, kelahiran masa depan, daur ulang
-. Merespons terhadap: ide-ide baru, disertai filosofi, pengalaman pancaindera, pesan multi generasi, pesan yang menyatakan mereka pintar, kegembiraan/pembelajaran, orang tua sebagai pahlawan, mesyarakat yang menarik, rasa kemasyarakatan

Ten differences between Generation X and Generation Y employees
Recruitment is an ever changing landscape, and with demographics continually changing it makes for some interesting recruiting strategies going forward. The early Baby Boomers (defined as being born between 1946 to 1964, and aged between 43-61) are now starting to retire, and as recruiters we are now having to put more of a focus on Generation X-ers (defined as being born between 1965 to 1979, and aged between 28-42) and Generation Y-ers (defined as being born between 1980 and 1984, and aged between 13-27).
But to recruit and retain people from these two generations, then we surely need to understand what makes them tick in a working environment. Krista Third of Tamm Communications has noted ten different workplace differences between the X and Y generations that we should all take note of:
1. Preferred style of leadership
  • - only competent leaders will do
  • Y – collaboration with management is expected
2. Value of Experience
  • X – don’t tell me where you have been, show me what you know
  • Y – experience is irrelevant, as the world is changing so fast
3. Autonomy
  • X – give them direction, and then leave them to it
  • Y – questions, questions, questions
4. Feedback
  • - expect regular feedback
  • - need constant and immediate feedback
5. Rewards
  • X – freedom is the ultimate reward
  • Y – money talks
6. Training
  • X – want to continually learn, if they don’t they will leave
  • Y – still in an exam driven mentality
7. Work Hours
  • X – do their work and go home
  • Y – will work as long as needed …or until they get bored
8. Work Life Balance
  • X – they want to enjoy life to the full, while they are young enough to do so
  • Y – their lives are busy – they need alot of ‘me’ time
9. Loyalty
  • X – they are committed as everyone else working there
  • Y – already working out their exit strategy
10. Meaning of Money
  • X – it gives freedom and independence
  • - just something that allows them to maintain their lifestyle
Source : 

Agree In Future

I'm disagree because, In a survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, an overwhelming majority of technology experts and stakeholders believe that social networking and online sharing is more than just a fad for today’s youth.

More than two-thirds of those surveyed indicated that the Millennial generation — otherwise known as Generation Y — will continue to use social networking tools as they mature into adult life stages and have families of their own.

The research is part of Pew’s fourth “Future of the Internet” study which includes responses from selected experts and Internet users who were asked to think about “the future of the Internet-connected world between now and 2020.”

When it comes to Millennials, 67% of experts in the respondent pool agreed with the following statement:

“By 2020, members of Generation Y (today’s ‘digital natives’) will continue to be ambient broadcasters who disclose a great deal of personal information in order to stay connected and take advantage of social, economic, and political opportunities. Even as they mature, have families, and take on more significant responsibilities, their enthusiasm for widespread information sharing will carry forward.”

Pew found that the experts believe the advantages and social benefits of sharing personal information online far outweigh the consequences, an attitude that these young “digital natives” will carry into adulthood. A survey response from a Mozilla programmer exemplifies this notion: “Unless Generation Y has a collective privacy-related epiphany, they will continue to happily trade it for convenience.”

There’s even consensus that society may learn to forgive these teens of their youthful errors in judgment online.

Those dissenting with the majority (29%) believe that Generation Y will lose interest in social networking and age out of sharing personal information online.

At the rate teens are using social networking sites, it’s easy to see why the experts believe social media usage will grow with younger generations as they mature. Where do you stand on the subject?

Why Do You Work

if I work, first of all my work to add work experience, then from there I will start to make money from my work to earn a decent living.
Millennials are hard workers and you’ll want to recruit them for a number of reasons. So, what’s the best way to do that? Give them what they want, of course. Let’s take a look at where they are now and why that matters for how they get through your doors later:
Generation Y is on the move. Most leave their first job within two years and your company could be the right place for them to land–but you need to entice them by building a job description they can’t refuse. How do you recruit Gen Y from where they are working now? How do you develop the right talent for your company?
Pay attention to where Millennials are now.
A recent poll shows that seven of the top 10 employers of Gen Y are retailersWalmartStarbucksTargetBest BuyMcDonald’s,Abercrombie & Fitch and CVS. What is it about these retail jobs that appeals to Millennials? Are they working retail because selling burgers is the positive change they’ve always wanted to make in the world?
Probably not.
But, you can certainly use the appealing aspects of these jobs to attract Millennials to your organization. Think about it. There’s a reason Millennials flock to these retail positions:
§  These are not 9-5 jobs. While Gen Y may still be working 40 hour weeks, the hours are more flexible. These are jobs worked in shifts, possibly shorter than eight hours at a time, and not likely five days in a row.
§  Training is offered on the job. Gen Y can get in and get started in retail almost immediately. We thrive on being able to learn as we go and enjoy immediate tasks and gratification for work well-done.
§  Management positions and growth opportunities surround us. As we are trained in each retail process, there is room to move up into management positions. We like to know what are possibilities are.
When you build job descriptions and recruit new talent, be sure to build in flexibility, on-the-job training and professional grow opportunities. And, if you can throw in an employee discount or some free food, that doesn’t hurt, either!